Herr Hockeymeister presents...
“Views From The Box”
Hope no one out there is holding any St.Louis Blues futures – you heard it here first: Chris Pronger’s career is over!
Am I the only one wondering why they don’t play the Orange Bowl in the Orange Bowl?
Frau Hockeymeister is watching television while speaking to a friend on the phone. “What are you watching?” her friend asked. “I Married An Alien From Outer Space,” she answered. “I know that,” says her friend, “but what are you watching?”
The Gaming Control Board apparently needs some football lessons. Seems a bettor played a Super Bowl prop - Sapp over two tackles - and after Sapp registered two tackles AND a sack, the sports book refused to pay, saying a tackle and sack were not the same. Gaming concurred.
A headline in the Las Vegas Sun: “Space Travel Must Go In New Direction”. Uh, which direction is that exactly?
How long must we wait for the garage sale by the Buffalo Sabres? March 11 (trade deadline) is quickly approaching.
Daddy Bryde turned 68 this week. And guess he’s doing pretty well, since he can still run a 4.8 forty – AND still kick my ass. One not too fond memory still haunts me. I was 24, and punched him as hard as I could. Nothing. He stood there glaring at me as if we were both thinking the same thing: “This kid must be the dumbest mother-****er in the history of the world.” In a flash he had me on the ground, and I agreed with my Mom, who was screaming, “Bob, you’re going to kill him!” After he let me up (my wails of “Uncle” and “I give up already” were a giveaway that I’d had enough), I found the only thing broken were my eyeglasses, which he stomped on, probably while he was wondering what went wrong with his gene pool. I silently vowed to never again swing at a guy who was bigger than myself. A promise I never kept, by the way. Regardless: Happy Birthday, Dad!
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“Views From The Box”
Hope no one out there is holding any St.Louis Blues futures – you heard it here first: Chris Pronger’s career is over!
Am I the only one wondering why they don’t play the Orange Bowl in the Orange Bowl?
Frau Hockeymeister is watching television while speaking to a friend on the phone. “What are you watching?” her friend asked. “I Married An Alien From Outer Space,” she answered. “I know that,” says her friend, “but what are you watching?”
The Gaming Control Board apparently needs some football lessons. Seems a bettor played a Super Bowl prop - Sapp over two tackles - and after Sapp registered two tackles AND a sack, the sports book refused to pay, saying a tackle and sack were not the same. Gaming concurred.
A headline in the Las Vegas Sun: “Space Travel Must Go In New Direction”. Uh, which direction is that exactly?
How long must we wait for the garage sale by the Buffalo Sabres? March 11 (trade deadline) is quickly approaching.
Daddy Bryde turned 68 this week. And guess he’s doing pretty well, since he can still run a 4.8 forty – AND still kick my ass. One not too fond memory still haunts me. I was 24, and punched him as hard as I could. Nothing. He stood there glaring at me as if we were both thinking the same thing: “This kid must be the dumbest mother-****er in the history of the world.” In a flash he had me on the ground, and I agreed with my Mom, who was screaming, “Bob, you’re going to kill him!” After he let me up (my wails of “Uncle” and “I give up already” were a giveaway that I’d had enough), I found the only thing broken were my eyeglasses, which he stomped on, probably while he was wondering what went wrong with his gene pool. I silently vowed to never again swing at a guy who was bigger than myself. A promise I never kept, by the way. Regardless: Happy Birthday, Dad!
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